Cardiology Conditions
The Patient Journey
Cardiology Videos
Asymptomatic Patients - Dr Delgado
Changing the Course of Action - Dr Badano
Imaging Modalities - Dr Delgado
Symptomatic Patients - Dr Delgado
Case Study - Dr Badano
Future Ideal Hospital – Dr Marsan
Improving Access to Cardiac CT – Philippe Karam and Sophie Delsart
Cardiology Solutions with Innovative Technologies²

1. EchoPAC Suite is a marketing name of EchoPAC Plug-in.
2. The results expressed in this document may not be applicable to a particular site or installation and individual results may vary. This document and its contents are provided to you for informational purposes only and do not constitute a representation, warranty or performance guarantee. GE disclaims liability for any loss, which may arise from reliance on or use of information, contained in this document.
3. Available for AW Server and other third-party applications.